Writing Retreat at CWC

Second Annual Spring Life Writing Retreat at Crow Wing Crest Lodge

Saturday. May 20, 2023

9 AM-5 PM


Ready to kick your project into high-test-writing gear? Don’t have any idea what you’re project is, but you have some ideas you want to explore? 

Bring your writing project to the next level during this Saturday intensive with award-winning author Susan Thurston. You will spend the day in guided writing exercises that are designed to bring your project into focus and produce fresh, solid work. 

You’ll map what is necessary to create a compelling story. Hone and refine the best voice for your narrator or character. Explore how to best present sensory textures and nuances to set your story apart. Enliven characters and settings on the page so they are ready to capture the heart of your reader. 

The workshop is perfect for the writer of memoir, creative non-fiction, fiction, or narrative poetry. 


Five person minimum. Ten person maximum.

$45 early-bird registration by check to:

Susan Thurston-Hamerski

2117 Hoyt Ave. W.

St. Paul, MN 55108

Cell: 612-298-6234

Email: sthpoet@gmail.com

$50 registration after April 15

Registration includes instruction, hand-outs, and access to the beautiful surroundings that is the Crow Wing Crest Lodge tradition.

Bring your own beverages and lunch. There is a microwave for your use.

Enrich the experience even further and stay at Crow Wing Crest Lodge! Contact Kim for full details and availability.  (Private cabins $139/night for two-night stay. 2 night minimum.)

Susan Thurston is a writer and educator whose work can be found in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Los Angeles Review, Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac, Poetry Quarterly, Ithaca Lit, Minnesota Monthly, Fox Cry Review, Rag Mag; several anthologies including Open to Interpretation: At Water’s Edge (Taylor & O’Neill, 2012), Low Down and Coming On (Red Dragonfly Press, 2010), Tremors Vibrations Enough to Rearrange the World (Heywood Press, 1995); the chapbook Wild Bone Season (Heywood Press, 1996); and the Catalyst Story Institute award-winning novel Sister of Grendel (Calumet Editions, 2021). She coauthored Cooking-Up the Good Life (University of Minnesota Press, 2012) with local-food movement leader Chef Jenny Breen. As part of earning her master’s degree from Hamline University, she spent time exploring the influence of gender on the creative process with the game-changing writers Carol Bly, Patricia Hampl, and Meridel Le Sueur.

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