One unique feature of this resort: guests can enjoy all the holistic healing activities pretty much anytime in spring, summer and fall (and sometimes winter if you're a local!) This is because the following spa services are offered by the owners/family members themselves. We live here. Convenient, huh?
Our goal at Crow Wing Crest Lodge is to provide a peaceful retreat in the nurturing, natural surroundings of Minnesota's northwoods, in order for our guests to have an opportunity to relax, play, connect with others and themselves, and to increase their physical, mental and spiritual well being. -----Kim & Big John . . . May 24, 2001
Rates of Services:
Aromatherapy Classes: Free as a guest (Tuesday mornings at 11 in summer) or talk to Kim about the possibility of her teaching at your local group meeting (i.e. Red Hat Society, Book Club, Church ladies gathering, quilters club, etc.) Aromatherapy Products & Gifts in Lodge (essential oil sources here)
Make your own potion after class (one hour) for $15 (2 oz. smelling salts, lotion or spritz) either by what smelled good to you, what you think you need or try using a pendulum as a tool to access your own body's wisdom!
Ear Candling ($30 session, included two candles) approx. 30 minutes - with Kim
Ionic Detox Foot Bath $30 session (approx. 30 minutes with Kim) Two persons at a time is possible
Massage - Emily offers relaxation and therapeutic massages, deep tissue massages, shiatsu for headaches & tension, and a full-body exfoliation service: $85-$110. You can book a massage appointment online up to 60-days in advance: website.
Reflexology Session with Big John: $55 hour (or bodywork session: $65 hour)
Drum Circles: As a guest, drum circles are a free activity on Wednesday evenings in summer (and at Spring Healer's Retreat & Fall Relaxation Retreat). For area residents: yes, we may be willing to bring our drums and percussion pieces to your gathering for a drum circle. No experience is required. It's a very good way to connect a group together, plus it's FUN. We'll bring the big buffalo drum and dozens of other smaller drums and pieces (about 30-40 pieces) for a stipend fee of $50 plus mileage.
CANCER - Big John and I have worked on numerous folks experiencing some kind of cancer. We have many personal family incidents we'd be happy to share wisdom about with you. Repeatedly we are asked by guests to direct them to a couple of our absolute favorite resources for learning about natural treatments: - We sell these books "Outsmart Your Cancer" at the resort, or you can order them on-line direct from this website. VERY INFORMATIVE! With all kinds very useful common cancer questions and clinically proven alternative cures. (Books are $19.95, plus $5.95 shipping) - We have ordered many items from Dr. McCain and this website over the years. We really trust that the herbs and tinctures obtained here are of the highest, organic quality. The most popular item we order is 4-Herb Tea (a.k.a. Essiac Tea*** or "Anti-Cancer Tea" as my Grampa called it. Surf around this site, there are lots of testimonials and information on other herbal remedies.) ----Kim
***Here are two more links to websites explaining the 100 year history of Essiac Tea (4-Herb Tea) and Nurse Rene Caisse who healed hundreds and hundreds of people of cancer with this herbal recipe at her free clinic in Canada. and