ATV Guidelines

RESORT GUIDELINES for ATVs/motored recreational bikes, etc. ATV/motorbike Etiquette:  We’ve had a couple of unhappy experiences with guests abusing their ATV privileges at the resort a few years back   and have seriously considered banning them from our resort altogether (as we have banned jet-skis for their noise and safety issues).   However, we are going to try and SPELL out as clearly and concisely as possible some ATV/motorbike guidelines to help keep disturbances at a minimum and see if this remedies the communication gap.  We could use your help in setting a good example for others.  We’d like this to be a ‘win-win’ situation:  great for us to continue hosting respectful ATVers here at CWC, and great for ATVers to be located so close to trail systems.

DIRT BIKES:  you will need to trailer them to the trail systems unless you have a specific highway/road license on your vehicle allowing usage of county roads and streets, and even the ditch trail along Highway 64 (which is limited to side-by-sides and ATVs only.)

  1. ATV collageThank you for NOT speeding through the resort driveways.  5 mph or less, please – there are LOTS of kids and critters darting unexpectedly into the road, AND this also helps keep the dust level down
  2. Thank you for your avoidance of driving your ATVs on any grassy areas whatsoever.  (Big John has strong feelin’s about his grass, dude.)
  3. Thank you for NEVER driving onto our on-site hiking trails (they are for walking only) and never onto our neighbor’s driveway.
  4. Thank you for avoiding any kinds of “revving” of the engine and only driving it as quietly as possible directly off the resort grounds to County Road 23 and onto the properly marked trails in the Paul Bunyan Forest.  (No recreational riding on-site permitted at all.)  You can drive as crazy as you think prudent once you get to the proper trails – the labeled ATV trails are the proper outlet for your riding enjoyment (no ‘pop-a-wheelies’ until you get there, thanks – the Hubbard County road graders and our neighbors appreciate your consideration).
  5. And finally, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not use your ATV to drive down to the lodge and back from your cabin or campsite.  If you cannot use your legs to walk it or carry items, please use your normal car or truck INSTEAD, and NOT your ATV.

If we hear complaints from other guests that your ATV/motorbike (whether by you or someone you’ve lent it to) has been used for goofing around, causing noise disturbances or safety concerns, we will ask your group to trailer up all ATVs/motored recreational vehicles and park the trailer off-site at the destination of your choice (Akeley City Park, Stompin’ Grounds, etc.) during the rest of your stay (you will not be allowed to bring even your trailer onto resort grounds in future visits.).  We realize this may cause you an issue of insecurity, not having your equipment nearby, so we encourage you to please be respectful of all other guests in this resort community by adhering to the above guidelines.

The Stompin’ Grounds (Bar & Grill), 2 miles north on Highway 64, is located directly on a series of ATV trails in the Paul Bunyan Forest.  They have generously let us know that if any of our guests wish to trailer up their ATVs and simply park at their Bar & Grill while they enjoy the trails, they would be welcome to do so (you do not need to patronize their dining establishment, although if you get a hunger pang, they would hope that you try ‘em out).  Since so many of their patrons utilize the ATV trails, they receive lots of news on which trails are open, which are under construction, and when upcoming ATV events are occurring.  (Their hamburgers, BLT’s and Rueben sandwiches are excellent, by the way. ) So there ya go, campers.  We hope this helps clarifies our resort’s policy on motorized play toys and wish you much fun and enjoyment of ‘em on the appropriate trail systems (off-site!)  Thanks for your understanding of our guidelines and for helping others enjoy the peace and quiet of the northwoods and lake here at Crow Wing Crest Lodge!